7th International conference on Marine Connectivity:
Advancing research for improved management
27-31 May 2024 - Montpellier, France
This international scientific event is organized jointly by the European COST Action Unifying approaches to Marine Connectivity for Improved Resource Management for the Seas (SEA-UNICORN), the French CNRS research network Océans et Mers (OMER) and the international network OceanKAN (affiliated to the Marine Life 2030 program) as part of the UN Ocean Decade.
Hosted by the Center for MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation & Conservation (MARBEC), this 5-day event aims to bring together marine scientists and stakeholders from around the world in Montpellier (south of France), to share the latest advances in the study of marine connectivity, and in its use for the sustainable management of the Ocean and its resources. The event marks the conclusion of 4 years of interdisciplinary work undertaken by the SEA-UNICORN international consortium, which gathers >350 researchers and managers from over 40 countries. Since 2020, these experts have been multiplying collaborations and sharing knowledge to progress and unify research in the emerging field of Marine Functional Connectivity (MFC).

Marine Functional Connectivity (MFC) characterizes all flows of matter, genes and energy produced by the movements of marine organisms, both at sea and at the sea-continent interface. These flows define the essential response of marine species and ecosystems to global change. Maintaining Marine Functional Connectivity is therefore vital for biodiversity and the proper functioning of the ocean, as well as for maintaining the ecosystem services that derive from it (food security, climate regulation, etc.).
The 3-day scientific conference at the heart of the event will examine the latest advances and the future of Marine Functional Connectivity research, and provide a forum to discuss its applications to ecosystem and resource management. Round tables and applied workshops will also be held to promote the integration of knowledge on marine connectivity into decision-support tools for environmental management and policies. This will help define appropriate conservation measures for spatial planning and governance in Europe and beyond.

The main conference is organized in-person. Online participation is not possible, but the possibility for using a hybrid format is being explored for the side-events (workshops and stakeholders round tables).
​We look forward to welcoming you in Montpellier in May 2024!
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