In May 2024, SEA-UNICORN will organize the 7th International conference on Marine Connectivity: Advancing research for improved management (I-MarCo 2024) in Montpellier, France.

This international scientific event, co-organized with the French research consortium Océans et Mers (OMER) and the international NGO Ocean Knowledge Action Network OceanKAN affiliated to the Marine Life 2030 program of the UN Ocean Decade.
Hosted by the Center for MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation & Conservation (MARBEC), this 5-day event will bring together marine scientists and stakeholders from around the world at the aquarium of Montpellier (Planet Ocean) in the South of France, to share the latest advances in the study of marine connectivity and its use in public and international policies for the sustainable management of the Ocean and its resources. The event marks the conclusion of the 4 years of interdisciplinary work undertaken as part of the SEA-UNICORN international consortium, which has already allowed >350 experts (from 42 countries) to collaborate and share knowledge to advance and unify research in the emerging field of Marine Functional Connectivity (MFC).
The 3-day scientific conference at the heart of the event will examine the latest findings and future of MFC research, and allow discussing its applications to ecosystem and resource management. Participants will share their expertise and latest findings on the topic, through oral presentations (including keynotes talks) and posters, organized into three theme sessions:
Multi-disciplinary approaches in MFC research
MFC research and the global functioning and health of the ocean
MFC knowledge use for improved environmental policies and sustainable development
Alongside the conference, round tables (with stakeholders) and applied workshops will be held to further advance MFC understanding and promote the integration of marine connectivity knowledge into decision-support tools for environmental management and policies.

This will help define appropriate conservation measures for maritime spatial planning and governance, in Europe and beyond, in line with the current challenges of the UN Ocean Decade.
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